As the computer voice told me that the warp drive was engaged, a human voice was telling me that there was a large red fleet now on the gate. Ctrl-space ctrl-space ctrl-space ... warp animation.
Sakht is in lowsec, so there are no bubbles, and I was thus free to fly right through the red camp and jump into 1-S. I couldn't help but notice Elo Knight in my overview.
Elo Knight and BL on 1-SMEB gate in Sakht BoodaBooda and Capri Sun KraftFoods in local too! |
Perhaps understandably, this sequence of events left me slightly flustered. I had watchlisted the FC while still in station, and I just warped to him.
Now, we're hellcamping the station, so it's going be bubbled up if things are going well. And they were, so I immediately found myself in a bubble, one of several, while comms started to light up with the news that BL were now in system. We were directed to align to a couple of different places. I was burning out of the bubble. We were ordered to warp. I was still burning. BL started to land on grid, around 70km off of me. I finally cleared the bubble and warped away to a celestial with shots starting to fall nearby.
There was some confusion about how best to proceed at this point, involving the consultation with command authority. I'll omit the specifics of that and my own actions, and say that I fell back on techniques I've developed in wormhole and foreign nullsec exploration. Because I had been briefly engaged just as I was escaping the bubble, I had a combat timer, so I couldn't safe log for some time.
By the time my timer was ending, we had a report that the Sakht gate was clear. It had been bubbled earlier, which cost several fleetmates their ships when they warped to it rather than a perch. I was tempted to safe log anyway. But then, what a pain in the ass to have to log back into to this system in space! It would take some trouble to find out if I could even log in safely. A fleetmate said he was going for it, so I did too.
And, landed directly in a bubble. Not too bad, only a little ways in, only a couple of enemies. Burn away, spam warp... oh, I spammed warp on the main tab of my overview, not the warpout. Where I am I going? It says right by the capacitor. I'm going back to the station. My third time alone on grid with BL in less than 10 minutes. I wonder if they thought I was stupid or trying something new. (Hint: I wasn't trying something new.)
It was quite a party at the station, and I almost got clear of the bubble. I know it was close because I was able to warp off my pod. I must have been pointed before I got clear, all I was looking at was the edge of that bubble, so I don't know. I got to a celestial, then within 100 of the out gate, then to another celestial and through the gate to Sakht and station.
I guess all that's left is to attend to the quotidian nullsec formality of requesting SRP. And it comes to me that I named my ship "Insure Me" to remind myself... to buy insurance before undocking.
I used to keep a small card under the monitor that listed upgrade your clone, insure your ship, set your deathclone, check your cargo hold, There might have been something else. I lost track of it when I was off of EVE at the end of the year. That's why people like me make cards like that.
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