I didn't really get into EVE today, some work and family obligations kept me away. I got some study time in on goonfleet forums while stuck waiting in the car. It's an incredible amount of information and resources, and I know I've barely scratched the surface.
I did buy a VNI on contract. I've never really ratted much, but it seems like something you can do with people in null and line your pockets a bit. That would be helpful, since I've never had a reasonable income stream at any point.
With my skills, I'm looking at about 650 dps at 77 km and 28k ehp with ~75% resist to kinetic and 65% to thermal. Since we're in Guristas space, 84/16 kin/therm, that seems ok. The fit didn't have a prop mod, which I expected from having read about people using 100mn VNIs to speed tank Sansha anomalies, but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm really in no position to judge the fit.
Hopefully, I can find some time to get out and rat with some other pilots this weekend and learn the ropes a bit.
There are so many things you can do in GSF, I can't do them all at once, but they are all so tempting. I'd love to get out to Delve as well and start flying some Celestis ewar or maybe an Exequror - Gal Cruiser V is my longest train to date I think. I'd also like to start checking out some of the squads and sigs, and get circled up with some of my Karma corpmates.
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